Canton Warriors Golf CT Central/West Golf Madness Discount Pack 2024
The Canton Golf program is selling the 2024 CT Golf Madness Discount Pack!

The NFP Sports Team is proud to offer the 2024 CT Central/West Golf & CT Central/East. For just $20.00, supporters will receive tremendous value while supporting Canton Golf.
2 Discount Packs Available!
*** The Connecticut Central/West Edition ***
Featuring discounts at the following 16 courses located in Hartford, Litchfield, New Haven and Fairfield Counties
- Hawk's Landing Country Club (Southington): 18 Holes + Cart for $35 (Valid Mon-Thu; Anytime. Excl. Fri-Sun) (2 Uses)
- Timberlin Golf Club (Berlin): 18 Holes + Cart for $49 (Valid Mon-Fri; Anytime. Sat & Sun after 12 PM) (2 Uses)
- Simbsury Farms Golf Course (Avon): 18 Holes + Cart for $45 (Valid Mon-Fri; Excl. Leagues & Tournaments) (2 Uses)
- Blue Fox Run Golf Course (Avon): Buy One Greens Fee for 18 Holes at regular price & get 2nd one FREE (Anytime Mon-Fri; Weekends after 2 PM) (2 Uses)
- Whitney Farms Golf Course (Monroe): FREE Cart Rental w/ the Purchase of 18 Holes at full price (Excl. Leagues & Tournaments) (2 Uses)
- Farmington Woods Golf Club (Avon): 18 Holes w/ cart for $75 (See offer for times) (2 Uses)
- Kenny Park Golf Course (Hartford): $12 for 9 Holes (Call for Tee Time; Mon-Thu 1-3 PM; No Holidays) (2 Uses)
- The Ranch Golf Club (Southwick, MA): $10 OFF One Round of golf (Valid Mon-Thu; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
- Southington Country Club (Plantsville): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $46 (Mon-Fri before 12 PM, Sat, Sun & Holidays after 1 PM) (2 Uses)
- Farmingbury Hills Country Club (Wolcott): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $35 (Mon-Fri anytime; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Copper Hill Golf Club (East Granby):Buy One Greens Fee; Get One FREE (Cart rental required. Mon-Fri Only; Excl. Tournaments & Leagues (2 Uses)
- Grassmere Country Club (Enfield): 2 Players pay for 9 Holes, get a FREE cart rental (Excl. Tournaments; Not to be Combined) (2 Uses)
- Pequabuck Golf Club (Terryville): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $50 (Valid Mon, Tue & Thu; Call for a Tee Time) (2 Uses)
- Gainfield Farms Golf Course: Buy Greens Fee; Get One Greens Fee (Must be used at the same time; Valid Weekends & Holidays after 2 PM) (2 Uses)
- East Hartford Golf Course (East Hartford): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $30 (Mon-Fri anytime; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Hunter Golf Club (Meriden): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $45 (Mon-Thu; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
*** The Connecticut Central/East Edition ***
Featuring discounts at the following 16 courses located in Hartford, Tolland, Middlesex, Windham & New London Counties:
- Tallwood Country Club (Hebron): $10 OFF Greens Fee (Cart rental required; Valid any Day/Time) (2 Uses)
- Shennecossett Golf Course (Groton): FREE Cart w/ $35 Greens Fee (Valid Mon-Fri after 12 PM; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Raceway Golf Club (Thompson): $10 OFF Full Price Greens Fee Per Player (Mon-Thu Anytime; Fri-Sun After 2 PM) (2 Uses)
- Twin Hills Country Club (Coventry): $10 OFF Greens Fee w/ Cart Rental (Valid any Day/Time; Not to be Combined) (2 Uses)
- Minnechaug Golf Course (Glastonbury): $20 for 9 Holes w/ Cart (2 Uses)
- Grassmere Country Club (Enfield): 2 Players pay for 9 Holes & receive complementary cart (Excl. Tournaments; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
- Vineyard Valley Golf Club (Pomfret Center): 9 Holes & a Cart for $20 per player (Weekdays only up to 4 people) (2 Uses)
- The Ranch Golf Club (Southwick, MA): $10 OFF One Round of golf (Valid Mon-Thu; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
- Manchester Country Club (Manchester): $10 OFF 18 Holes plus required cart rental (Valid Mon-Thu Anytime; Fri-Sun after 1 PM) (2 Uses)
- East Hartford Golf Course (East Hartford): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $30 (Mon-Fri Anytime; Weekends & Holidays after 1 PM) (2 Uses)
- Skungamung River Golf Club (Coventry): 4-Four-$120; 18 Holes w/ cart (Must be a foursome. Valid Weekdays only) (2 Uses)
- Norwich Golf Course (Norwich): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $50 (Call Ahead for Tee Time) (2 Uses)
- Pequot Golf Club (Stonington): 18 Holes for $18 w/ required Cart Rental (Valid Mon-Fri anytime; Sat & Sun after 2 PM (2 Uses)
- Kenny Park Golf Course (Hartford): $12 for 9 Holes walking (Call ahead for Tee Time) (2 Uses)
- Chanticlair Golf Course (Colchester): 9 Holes & Cart for 2 players for $50 (Valid Mon-Fri 11-2; Sat-Sun After 1 PM; Excl. Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Harrisville Golf Course (Woodstock): $5 OFF a Round of Golf (Valid Mon-Thu; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
Thank you for supporting youth & high school sports and enjoy your #HIGHIMPACTSAVINGS!