Granby Bears Boys' & Girls' Golf CT Central/West Golf Madness Discount Pack 2024
The Granby Boys' & Girls' Golf Teams are selling the 2024 CT Golf Madness Discount Pack!

The NFP Sports Team is proud to offer the 2024 CT Central/West Golf & CT Central/East. For just $20.00, supporters will receive tremendous value while supporting Granby.
2 Discount Packs Available!
*** The Connecticut Central/West Edition ***
Featuring discounts at the following 16 courses located in Hartford, Litchfield, New Haven and Fairfield Counties
- Hawk's Landing Country Club (Southington): 18 Holes + Cart for $35 (Valid Mon-Thu; Anytime. Excl. Fri-Sun) (2 Uses)
- Timberlin Golf Club (Berlin): 18 Holes + Cart for $49 (Valid Mon-Fri; Anytime. Sat & Sun after 12 PM) (2 Uses)
- Simbsury Farms Golf Course (Avon): 18 Holes + Cart for $45 (Valid Mon-Fri; Excl. Leagues & Tournaments) (2 Uses)
- Blue Fox Run Golf Course (Avon): Buy One Greens Fee for 18 Holes at regular price & get 2nd one FREE (Anytime Mon-Fri; Weekends after 2 PM) (2 Uses)
- Whitney Farms Golf Course (Monroe): FREE Cart Rental w/ the Purchase of 18 Holes at full price (Excl. Leagues & Tournaments) (2 Uses)
- Farmington Woods Golf Club (Avon): 18 Holes w/ cart for $75 (See offer for times) (2 Uses)
- Kenny Park Golf Course (Hartford): $12 for 9 Holes (Call for Tee Time; Mon-Thu 1-3 PM; No Holidays) (2 Uses)
- The Ranch Golf Club (Southwick, MA): $10 OFF One Round of golf (Valid Mon-Thu; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
- Southington Country Club (Plantsville): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $46 (Mon-Fri before 12 PM, Sat, Sun & Holidays after 1 PM) (2 Uses)
- Farmingbury Hills Country Club (Wolcott): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $35 (Mon-Fri anytime; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Copper Hill Golf Club (East Granby):Buy One Greens Fee; Get One FREE (Cart rental required. Mon-Fri Only; Excl. Tournaments & Leagues (2 Uses)
- Grassmere Country Club (Enfield): 2 Players pay for 9 Holes, get a FREE cart rental (Excl. Tournaments; Not to be Combined) (2 Uses)
- Pequabuck Golf Club (Terryville): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $50 (Valid Mon, Tue & Thu; Call for a Tee Time) (2 Uses)
- Gainfield Farms Golf Course: Buy Greens Fee; Get One Greens Fee (Must be used at the same time; Valid Weekends & Holidays after 2 PM) (2 Uses)
- East Hartford Golf Course (East Hartford): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $30 (Mon-Fri anytime; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Hunter Golf Club (Meriden): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $45 (Mon-Thu; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
*** The Connecticut Central/East Edition ***
Featuring discounts at the following 16 courses located in Hartford, Tolland, Middlesex, Windham & New London Counties:
- Tallwood Country Club (Hebron): $10 OFF Greens Fee (Cart rental required; Valid any Day/Time) (2 Uses)
- Shennecossett Golf Course (Groton): FREE Cart w/ $35 Greens Fee (Valid Mon-Fri after 12 PM; Excl. Weekends & Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Raceway Golf Club (Thompson): $10 OFF Full Price Greens Fee Per Player (Mon-Thu Anytime; Fri-Sun After 2 PM) (2 Uses)
- Twin Hills Country Club (Coventry): $10 OFF Greens Fee w/ Cart Rental (Valid any Day/Time; Not to be Combined) (2 Uses)
- Minnechaug Golf Course (Glastonbury): $20 for 9 Holes w/ Cart (2 Uses)
- Grassmere Country Club (Enfield): 2 Players pay for 9 Holes & receive complementary cart (Excl. Tournaments; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
- Vineyard Valley Golf Club (Pomfret Center): 9 Holes & a Cart for $20 per player (Weekdays only up to 4 people) (2 Uses)
- The Ranch Golf Club (Southwick, MA): $10 OFF One Round of golf (Valid Mon-Thu; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
- Manchester Country Club (Manchester): $10 OFF 18 Holes plus required cart rental (Valid Mon-Thu Anytime; Fri-Sun after 1 PM) (2 Uses)
- East Hartford Golf Course (East Hartford): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $30 (Mon-Fri Anytime; Weekends & Holidays after 1 PM) (2 Uses)
- Skungamung River Golf Club (Coventry): 4-Four-$120; 18 Holes w/ cart (Must be a foursome. Valid Weekdays only) (2 Uses)
- Norwich Golf Course (Norwich): 18 Holes w/ Cart for $50 (Call Ahead for Tee Time) (2 Uses)
- Pequot Golf Club (Stonington): 18 Holes for $18 w/ required Cart Rental (Valid Mon-Fri anytime; Sat & Sun after 2 PM (2 Uses)
- Kenny Park Golf Course (Hartford): $12 for 9 Holes walking (Call ahead for Tee Time) (2 Uses)
- Chanticlair Golf Course (Colchester): 9 Holes & Cart for 2 players for $50 (Valid Mon-Fri 11-2; Sat-Sun After 1 PM; Excl. Holidays) (2 Uses)
- Harrisville Golf Course (Woodstock): $5 OFF a Round of Golf (Valid Mon-Thu; Not to be combined) (2 Uses)
Thank you for supporting youth & high school sports and enjoy your #HIGHIMPACTSAVINGS!